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셀린에게 던진 세가지 질문(3 questions for Celine Dion) - USA WEEKEND 기사

MOON성元 2011. 5. 4. 16:48


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Now 43 and the mother of three, Celine Dion is back where many of her fans probably think she belongs: in Las Vegas, performing sold-out shows at The Colosseum. We asked about life in Vegas.

What's it like to be back in Vegas after four years?

4년 뒤에 다시 라스베가스로 돌아온 소감이?

“In a way, it's more relaxed because there is less to prove. The world tour was amazing. But René-Charles [her 10-year-old son] is getting older. He loves baseball, bowling and golf, and has his school and his friends. So while I knew I'd be coming back, I also knew it would have to be as a mother.”

"어떤 면에서 무언가 증명해야 할 필요가 적어저서 더 편안해졌죠. 월드투어는 정말 굉장했어요. 그렇지만 르네찰스가 점점 자라고 있어요. 그 아인 야구를 좋아하고, 볼링과 골프도 좋아해요. 그리고 학교와 친구도 생겼구요. 그래서 제가 컴백할 걸 알게되었을 때, 엄마의 역할 또한 해야한다는 걸 알았죠."


Is it boring singing the same songs over and over?

같은 노래를 반복해서 부르는게 지루하지 않나요?

“It's not boring. Because each time I sing a song, I look into the eyes of someone in the audience and I see what that song means to them. That never gets old.”

"아뇨 지루하다뇨. 부를 때마다 관객들의 눈을 들여다 보고, 그 노래가 그들에게 어떤 의미인지를 알게되죠. 그래서 전혀 지루해지지 않죠."


Your husband (and manager, René Angélil, 69) says you never go out in Las Vegas. Why not?

당신 남편인 매니저 르네 안젤릴은 당신이 라스베가스 밖으로 나가지 않는다(라스베가스를 돌아다니는 것을 의미하는 듯)고 말하더군요. 왜 그렇죠?

“What if I go out to eat or shop, and then maybe because of the air conditioning I get sick and have to cancel a show? Then people say, ‘I just saw her out, why is she canceling a show?' And then things get bad.”

"만약 제가 외출하고 쇼핑을 하다가 건조한 공기 탓에 아프게 되고 쇼가 취소된다면요? 그럼 사람들이 말하겠죠, '그녀가 외출한 걸 봤어. 근데 왜 쇼를 취소했지?'라고요. 그럼 상황이 더 안좋아지는 거잖아요."


[출처 : http://www.usaweekend.com/article/20110429/ENTERTAINMENT01/105010313/3-questions-Celine-Dion ]

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